Ideas to help Producers determine what practices to consider before starting their own productions
The Producers Guild of America has created this online resource where producers and department heads can post tips and insights from productions they’re working on. It's designed to provide further resources and support as the pandemic continues. While PGA is providing the forum, we don't vet, monitor or endorse the postings (please read Disclaimer below).
If you have suggestions for new forum categories or topics, please let us know!
The content, links, and related commentary (collectively, "Content") posted to Tips from the Field is not vetted or endorsed by the Producers Guild of America, its directors, officers, employees, members, volunteers or any of its affiliates or agents (collectively "PGA”). This is a publicly-accessible website; Content may be posted by anyone for informational/educational purposes only at the poster's own risk. The PGA makes no representation or warranty regarding the accurateness, completeness, appropriateness, safety or legality of the Content posted. The Content posted in not a substitute for professional, business, and/or legal advice and should not be relied upon to guarantee the safety of any particular production. Reference in Tips from the Field to any specific commercial products or services, or the use of any business name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or preference by the PGA.
The PGA does not routinely monitor the Content posted to Tips from the Field. However, the PGA and its designees reserve the right, but do not have the obligation, to review, restrict access to, edit, or remove any Content that is available via any page at any time. Only locked PDFs may be uploaded to Tips from the Field. Editable word documents are automatically subject to removal. You are posting to and/or reviewing the Content on this site at your own risk. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriate safety protocols for your production. You understand and agree that the PGA is not responsible or liable for the posting of any Content to Tips from the Field or for any damage to any person or property as a result of actions taken in reliance on such Content by you or any other third party.
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